Thanks to everyone who attended the Devon & Cornwall Rail Partnership local conference in Plymouth this week. It was fantastic to hear such thought-provoking and informative presentations, and to receive such well-considered feedback about the Citizens’ Rail « how to » guide.
You can access the presentation slides from the day at the links below (in PDF format, all less than 3.5MB):
Community Rail development, 10 years on: What have we learned and what is next?
Chris Austin, Chair of the Avocet Line Forum and former Executive Director of the Strategic Rail Authority
Making the case for the peninsula and for Devon
Bruce Thompson, Head of Transport Co-ordination Service, Devon County Council
Community stations – food for thought
Paul Salveson, University of Huddersfield
Why Community Rail is good business for Train Operating Companies
Dan Okey, First Great Western
The Devon & Cornwall Rail Partnership in 2014/2015
Richard Burningham, Devon & Cornwall Rail Partnership
The Citizens’ Rail « how to » guide
Mike Parker-Bray, Devon & Cornwall Rail Partnership
Line development – the Tarka experience
John Phillips, Tarka Rail Association
The place of aspiration in Community Rail development
Members of the Avocet Line Rail Users Group
Working with Train Operating Companies to engage the community
Celia Minoughan, Devon & Cornwall Rail Partnership
Marketing the railway in Devon and Cornwall
Rebecca Catterall, Devon & Cornwall Rail Partnership
Return to Tavistock: project update
Lewis Ward, Devon County Council
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Photo by Alan Coates under a Creative Commons license.