Citizens‘ Rail toolkit > Evaluate your success > Resources
Resources - stakeholder analysis
Downloadable tools for stakeholder analysis (Excel, Word or PPT)
Name | Description | Link | Language |
The Innovator‘s Toolkit | Different Excel templates for download, among those many for developing ideas. Interesting for the topic: Tool ‘Stakeholder Management‘. | | EN |
International Institute of Business Analysis | Extensive collection of templates, e.g. with an onion-diagram for stakeholders (in PowerPoint) and a comprehensive document (named ‘Stakeholder Template’) about guidelines, roles and the handling of stakeholders etc. | | EN |
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Many universal templates for Excel (e.g. stakeholder analysis, capacity planning, communication matrices,…) | | EN |
DMAIC Tools – Serving Quality Professionals | Stakeholder analysis template in Excel with several matrices. More (analysis)tools available on the website (e.g. pareto charts, flowcharts etc.) with the corresponding explanations. | | EN |
Mindtools | Tool (downloadable as PDF) plus explanatory video on how to create a stakeholder analysis as well as a step-by-step guide. There are also additional management tools available. | | EN |
Naegele Consulting | Different templates for Excel in German, among those some for a stakeholder analysis. | | DE |
NISTO | Toolkit will soon be available on the site (for free, but registration required): For example a (Multi-actor-) Multi-criteria-analysis with a simple interface and a step-by-step guide. |[tt_news]=28&cHash=d53d2b667ec11dffc88325083f3c5364 | EN |
Guidelines and instructions for a stakeholder analysis
Name | Description | Link | Language |
Who really matters? A stakeholder analysis tool (In: Extension Farming Systems Journal volume 5 number 2) | Scientific paper about stakeholder analysis with templates (to build them on your own), case studies, an explanation to the necessity of such analysis and explanations of the roles of different stakeholders. | | EN |
Schmeer, K. (o.J.): Stakeholder Analysis Guidelines | Comprehensive step-by-step instructions on stakeholder analysis with explanations of the term ‘stakeholder’ itself and the use of an analysis. | | EN |
Bright Hub Project Management | Helpful page with explanations to terms related to a stakeholder analysis and its structure; with links to examples of comprehensive stakeholder analysis (see right side); not directly a ‘tool’, but helpful to create your own. | mit Beispielen des WWF: und des Autralian Government: |
EN |
OpenPM | Description of a stakeholder analysis with examples of different approaches. | | DE |
Dynamic Typology of Stakeholder Engagement within Climate Change Research | Presentation of four reasons for stakeholder engagement and the cyclical character of the typology and the ‚stages‘ of a research process | | EN |
Resources - evaluation
Name | Description | Link | Language |
A Manager’s Guide to Evaluating Citizens Participation | Overview on the phases of evaluation, the evaluation of management and the implementation and effects of citizen’s participation. | | EN |
A Short Guide to Monitoring and Evaluation | Ideas on a concept for monitoring and evaluation. | | EN |
Does Your Project Make a Difference? | Extensive guidelines on evaluation and monitoring of a project. | | EN |
Evaluation | About the possibilities and components of evaluation in cooperative processes of regional development. | | DE |
Evaluation – ein vielschichtiges Konzept | Identifying milestones of an evaluation: Implementation, effects, summative or formative evaluation, internal or external evaluation and instances of evaluation. | | DE |
Evaluation: Practical Guidelines | Guide to develop a strategy for evaluation, listing of quantitative and qualitative instruments to collect and interpret data, explanations on reporting. | | EN |
Ex Ante Evaluation | Attachment 1: Checklist on Ex-Ante-Evaluation | | EN |
Guidelines – Developing and Implementing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan | Step-by-step instructions on a ‘sustainable urban mobility plan’ as well as an explanation on the necessity of monitoring to control and of evaluation to see the progess of the project. | | EN |
IMPACT: A Practical Guide to Evaluating Community Information Projects | Explanation of the steps in an evaluation process – structural ‘evaluation tools and resources’ attached. | | EN |
Making a Difference: A guide to evaluating public participation in central government | Description of the steps of evaluation (strategy, realization, analysis and reporting) in the context of central government. | | EN |
Passenger engagement: How train operators listen to their passengers | Study on the evaluation and monitoring of customer satisfaction in 24 British transportation companies. | | EN |
Standards für Evaluation | Formulation of standards and milestones of evaluation. | | DE |
Was ist eine gute Evaluation? Einführung zu Funktionen und Methoden von Evaluationsverfahren | Explanation on the participative approach in monitoring and evaluation. | | DE |
Resources - participation
Name | Description | Link | Language |
Beteiligungsportal Baden- Württemberg (website on participation in Baden-Württemberg) | Informative platform on participation and recent projects in Baden-Württemberg (Germany). | | DE |
CH4LLENGE | Website of the CH4LLENGE program – Explanation of the four challenges to develop a sustainable urban mobility plan (participation, cooperation, measures, evaluation). | | EN |
Citizens Participation in the Planning Process | Critical aspects of citizen’s participation in planning processes (starting at page 429). | | EN |
Citizen Participation in Planning: the Relationship Between Objectives and Techniques | Overview on perspectives and the application of participation methods. | | EN |
CSOs and Citizens‘ Participation – TACSO | Comprehensive guidelines on citizen’s participation with explanations on participation in general and specific methods, such as workshops. | | EN |
Design for Social Sustainability | Explanation on the necessity to involve citizens in planning processes to secure social sustainability. | | EN |
Engaging The Public In The Transportation Planning Process | Overview on the topic of citizen’s participation in general regarding transportation projects and processes. | | EN |
Guidebook on Participation | Deals with the qualitative and quantitative dimensions of participation. | | EN |
Handbuch für eine gute Bürgerbeteiligung (Guidebook for a good citizen’s participation) | Guidebook on participation of citizens in extensive projects in the transportation sector. | | DE |
Hinweise zur Beteiligung und Kooperation in der Verkehrsplanung (Notes on participation and cooperation in transportation planning) | Success factors and concepts of participation. | | DE |
Participationcompass | Classification and explanation of 57 participation methods. | | EN | | Classification and explanation of various participation methods. | | EN/DE |
Pathways through participation: What creates and sustains active citizenship? | Deals with the questions: When and why does participation start? How can it develop in the course of the project and why should you use a collection of participation methods? | | EN |
People & Participation | Guide to the implementation of participation methods in planning processes. | | EN |
Planning Analysis: The Theory of Citizens Participation | Explanation of the function of participation in planning processes. | | EN |
Public Participation Strategies for Transit | Field report on the most effective participation strategies for transit. | | EN |
Strategies Supporting Our Goals | List of strategies and instruments of citizen’s participation. | (ab Seite 52) | EN |
Successful transport decision-making – Civitas | Manual for project management and stakeholder engagement – ideas for participation in a collection of examples in Europe. | | EN |
Typology of Public Engagement Mechanism | Definition of key terms and mechanisms of public-oriented participation. | | EN |